Saturday, July 28, 2012

Tiger's Voyage Giveaway!

Go to Facebook and "Like" the Tiger's Curse page by Colleen Houck for a chance to win an ARC of Tiger's Voyage! Also, share it with your friends with the gear button! It will be over in 24 hours (and I don't know when it started) so get on over there!

Friday, July 27, 2012

Review: Tiger's Curse by Colleen Houck

Ok, so let me start off saying that this came out in 2011, and that I am behind on reading it. By a year. And after reading it, I can say "Bad Girl!" because I was really missing out.

 My Excerpt:
Age Range: 12 and up
Sequel: Check
Kelsey Hayes has a quiet life. She has dealt with her parents death years ago and has moved on. She has a nice foster family, but she still covets a deeper love. When her new job involves a circus, a tiger names Ren, and a 300 year old Indian curse, what could possibly go wrong?
Forced to deal with impossible forces,booby traps, and all of it in another country, will her feelings dominate all of the dangers she has to face?

  Kelsey is a very intricately written protagonist. She is strong, weak, sensitive, cold...she is a normal human being! She likes her socks color coded ,hates the jungle and likes to dress up. She is alive and leaps off the page! When she has a revelation, she doesn't simply accept it nor does she scream bloody murder and run for it.

    The problem is the curse. The curse causes the danger, calls forth the evil monkeys, and takes you do deep dark caves that are completely inhospitable. There is magic as well as realistic barriers that prevent them from breaking the curse. You definitely get a heap of adventure in this book.

   Ren is one of the best YA guys out there! He is sweet and considerate, but when Kelsey decides to boycott him, his arrogance shines like the sun and rays down on Kelsey so confident that she can hardly resist! I sincerely hope this doesn't end up being a love triangle between Ren and Kishan! Ren all the way!


Bibliography:Tiger's Curse. 2011. Photograph. Goodreads. Goodreads Inc, 2011. Web. 27 July 2012. <>.

Thursday, July 26, 2012

The Lux Series, Onyx Preview!

Is anyone else desperately in need of a sip of the next book in the Lux Series, Onyx by Jennifer Armentrout? I know I was idiotically shrieking at my computer yesterday in want of it! Visit Jennifer Armentrout's website:
 And there you will find your lifeline!
-The First Two Chapters of Onyx
- A Deleted Scene from Obsidian on her blog

Review :Such a Rush by Jennifer Echols

I had high expectations the moment I glimpsed the cover and read the summary..... and they were completely fulfilled! Such a Rush is a beautifully written page turner of friendship,romance, and just learning how to come out of hard times! Leah is a unique protagonist that has such a well acted display that no one can truly guess how hard things are in the core. She is a strong girl and definitely not a flimsy protagonist! Her passion for flying is a unique aspect as well as enticing and (as far as I know of) new to the YA collection.  It was indeed a love triangle (Grayson vs.Alec), which I have to admit , the love triangles I like have to taste a certain way, and this one fortunately did! Grayson (who I rooted for from the start) was sweet, but also grumpy (which is understandable and makes him lifelike) due to dealing with his own problems.Alec was more the football-jock-with-the-cheerleader-girlfriend type, but also had his moments that make you just think, "Awwww." The mystery of (sorry,can't tell you that, now can I?) was not predictable and kept me guessing, which throws my complements to Ms.Echols, for I haven't read many that  are actually a mystery to the reader. The suspense dug through my brain like a worm, not like a faint "hmm" and then an immediate "Oh, I know!" Don't pass this brilliant novel up!


Picture Bibliography-Such A Rush. 2012. Photograph. Goodreads Inc, 2012. Web. 26 July 2012. <>.

I'm a Newbie!

Hi! So I am the Book Duchess and I have started a blog (No!). There are a lot of YA/ Teen book blogs out there and I am merrily going to join the already heaping list!Sooooo, I know, first post is uber boring because its just an introduction and the usual first-day-of-school, "Lets play the Name Game!"kind of thing. Allow me to just state the facts military-like and get on to the excitement!
Name: The Book Duchess
Purpose: Review YA books
Why???: I simply love to read and would love to share it!